Medical Massage

medicalmassageMedical Massage Therapy addresses deep, structural dysfunction in the body that may be the source of chronic pain, tension or illness.  This type of massage is a collection of methods used to reshape soft tissue and to restore healthy function to the body.

Overuse of muscles, improper posture, trauma, automobile accidents, disease, and stress — these are all factors that may cause dysfunction and the impeded flow of nutrients to the tissues.  For example, Do you have a shoulder that constantly bothers you, or a painful hip?  You may have trigger points (commonly referred to as “muscle knots”) which are contractions of a number of muscle fibers within a larger muscle.  These areas of tension can cause pain and weakness to the area of the trigger point, or to referred areas of pain.  For example, numbness down the arm is often caused by trigger points located in muscles surrounding the rotator cuff and axilla.  Releasing these trigger points can alleviate pain patterns, weak limbs, and chronic tingling/numbness.

Trigger points and tightened connective tissue constrict the flow of blood, lymph, and nerve function to affected areas of the body.  This can affect the health of any organs, and since our bodies are a system of dependent connected organs, constricted tissues affect the health of the entire body.

Chronic headaches, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, TMJD – These are all examples of illness that can be treated by methods of Medical Massage Therapy.  This powerful therapy can help restore the flow of nutrients to the body by relieving tension and creating space for health to flow.